Fresh Corn off the Cob Buttermilk Quiche

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Fresh Corn Buttermilk Quiche
Fresh Corn Buttermilk Quiche by Angela Roberts

I could eat fresh corn buttermilk quiche every day for breakfast. Fresh corn off the cob finds itself in the most fun places this past week, like in this in buttermilk salad dressing or this buttermilk fried chicken. Yes, I’m on a buttermilk kick, which is what happens when you buy a half-gallon of Purity buttermilk, a Nashville based, high quality dairy. That’s how I began this buttermilk series, and I’m no where near done.

Liren over at Kitchen Confidante recently made a buttermilk asparagus quiche and it inspired me. Her blog is sweet and gentle; her food is always stunning. I always thought quiche had to be made with heavy cream, but little did I know that buttermilk can be used. This quiche was comforting, sweet and and a little crunchy from the corn and just one of those nice dishes that surprises you.

What is Buttermilk?

I know it’s thick, tangy, not something I would drink on its own, and necessary for the success of these biscuits.

The word buttermilk screams comfort and fascination at the same time. Originally, it was the milk left over from churning butter, known as traditional buttermilk. Today, it’s processed, pasteurized and known as cultured buttermilk. It’s made by adding lactic acid bacteria to milk to thicken it and give it a tangy flavor.

Corn off the cob quiche by Angela Roberts

You can make buttermilk at home by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to whole milk and letting it sit for about ten minutes. It will thicken and turn tangy. However, in making thousands of biscuits over the years and comparing my success, there is no doubt that store bought buttermilk turns out a better product.

Corn Off the Cob Buttermilk Quiche

I used my perfect pie crust recipe to make the buttermilk quiche crust. The rest was so easy. Eggs, buttermilk, corn, salt, pepper. Lately, I’ve been intentionally trying to cook more simply with fewer, but higher quality ingredients, and minimal spices. Too many recipes have a long long list of ingredients and scare me away. It’s just not true that good food has to be difficult.

To make a buttermilk quiche tart with fresh corn,  cut it off the cob, mix 2 eggs to 1/2 cup buttermilk. Add a little salt and pepper, and that’s it. A tender flaky crust, with a sweet corn flavor is sheer comfort food for breakfast or brunch.

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Fresh Corn off the Cob Buttermilk Quiche

Fresh corn off the cob quiche made with buttermilk.
Prep Time1 hour
Cook Time45 minutes
Total Time1 hour 45 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Servings: 6
Author: Angela Roberts



  • Prepare pie crust. You can choose to make small tarts or one larger tart using one half of this recipe.
  • mix together eggs with buttermilk,
  • Season with salt and pepper
  • Shuck corn and cut off the cob.
  • Poke holes in crust.
  • Put the corn in the pie. It should cover the pie with at least a double layer of corn.
  • Pour in egg mixture.
  • Bake at 400.
  • Small tarts take 20-25 minutes
  • large tart takes 35-45 minutes or until golden brown.

Please follow me on instagram. If you make this recipe,  please tag me #spinachtiger.

If you love this recipe, please give it five stars. It means a lot. xoxo

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  1. Im not into dishes with visual individual pieces of corn (or small cubes of carrot for that matter…don’t ask) but this sounds like something I would try as I actually love corn straight of the cob or blitz up in miele bread (corn bread) Thanks for the recipe. 🙂

  2. What wonderful little individual quiche you have made using one of my favorite ingredients…buttermilk! And with corn off the cob what a treat. The sweetness of the corn and the tang of the buttermilk must just be perfect. Love the photos Angela.

  3. 5 stars
    Angela, you are the sweetest! Thank you for the seriously kinds words about my blog 🙂 I’m on a buttermilk kick, too, I think it’s been 3 years strong. I use it in everything! These corn quiches, I can tell, are absolutely delicious, and remind me of something my mom used to make. I must try it this summer!

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