Chilled Cucumber Gazpacho Soup (No Dairy)

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It’s summer and cold soups are on rotation in all the cool restaurants. Fresh and easy, chilled cucumber soup. I actually saw this idea for chilled cucumber soup in a magazine and it looked so fresh, so pretty, I had to make it.

Cucumber Gazpacho

It’s simple. The recipe just contains cucumbers, arugula, olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper. Some recipes swirl in plain yogurt and you can always do that, but I like the olive oil/lemon version for a clean, fresh tasting soup.

I’ve made chilled soups here before. Traditional Gazpacho, Chilled Watermelon, Canteloupe soup are all summer soups that are perfect during the hot summer days.

Cucumber Gazpacho

Two Main Ingredients

This is a very simple soup. You might see recipes online with a long list of ingredients, but this is a soup of fresh, local ingredients, using only two basic ingredients cucumbers and greens for either a quick starter or a nourishing, refreshing lunch.

Ingredients Cucumber soup


  • Cucumbers
  • Arugula or Raw Baby Spinach
  • Olive Oil
  • Lemon
  • Splash Vinegar
  • Fresh basil or mint
  • Salt, Pepper

Process for Cucumber Gazpacho Soup

This is very easy and quick chilled soup. I like to peel most of the cucumber (you don’t have to) and cut into large chunks. All of the ingredients go into a blender, adding only as much olive oil as you need, saving some to drizzle.

If you have a lemon-flavored olive oil, all the better. As far as vinegar, a splash means a small splash, just enough to bring some acid to the soup. A squeeze of lemon and some salt will do the rest in balancing flavor.

You can use either arugula or baby spinach. Keep in mind that arugula will add a peppery profile. You could also mix the greens.

More Cold Soups from Spinach Tiger

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Cucumber Soup

Play Around with the Recipe

  • Add a chopped bell pepper to the recipe.
  • Swirl in plain yogurt.
  • Garnish top with chopped cherry tomatoes.

Products I Used for This Recipe

Cucumber Gazpacho
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Chilled Cucumber Gazpacho

Chilled Cucumbers with Arugula, Lemon, Olive Oil Blended to a summer soup.
Prep Time15 minutes
Course: Soup
Cuisine: American
Keyword: cucumber, gazpacho
Servings: 4


  • 2 cucumbers see notes
  • 2 cups arugula or baby spinach
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 squeeze lemon
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt or as needed
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper or to taste
  • fresh herbs for garnish


  • Reserve 1 tablespoon olive oil for garnish.
  • Put all ingredients in blender except vinegar, reserving salt and pepper and then adjust to your taste.
  • Serve with basil or mint or garnish with micro greens.


You may need more cucumbers depending on how much you want to make or size of cucumbers. Best ratio is a handful of greens to one cup of cucumber, but this is a very flexible recipe made to taste.

Please follow me on instagram. If you make this recipe,  please tag me #spinachtiger.

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