Trim off the stems of the cauliflower.
Cut cauliflower into pieces. They don't need to be super small, but enough to fit into a pot of boiling water or broth.
Mix butter with 2 tablespoons turmeric. Rub butter all over cauliflower.
Boil cauliflower in broth until softened. Drain cauliflower RESERVING the broth.
Once you drain cauliflower, either use an immersion blender or put into your blender. RESERVE a few end tidbits for garnish.
Using a heavy-duty blender, put in coconut milk or heavy cream, 1 cup broth, 1/2 of the cauliflower, leeks. Blend and add more broth according to your desire for how thick or think you want.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish.